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Energy Audits


Your utility bill may be shocking. It doesn't tell you when your energy use peaks, doesn't explain how best to reduce power consumption and doesn't tell you how your home is spending your money.


We think it's worth finding out. A home energy audit is one of the first steps to understanding your home's energy usage, as well as its overall health and performance. Using a combination of high-tech tests and common sense evaluations, a good auditor provides homeowners with a list of energy and money saving steps, explains how and why your house is costing you money, then prioritizes steps to take to knock down those costs over time. 

A home energy audit is the first step towards a more comfortable and affordable home. Using a variety of high-tech tools, we're able to identify the key areas where your home is wasting energy. Then we recommend the most cost-effective improvements for maximum comfort, minimum energy bills and optimal indoor air quality and building health and safety.


Our approach in conducting home energy audits is to take a comprehensive, whole-house assessment of the home. This distinguishes our "whole-house energy audit" from the "clipboard audits" offered by many utilities, box stores and companies that offer a discounted audit as a means to sell products or services.


A typical audit is comprised of several steps:


  1. A thorough visual inspection of the home's building envelope (doors, windows, walls, etc.)

  2. An insulation check, generally involving infrared thermography, to pinpoint spots where insulation may have settled, been improperly installed, or where it may be missing altogether

  3. An air leakage test using a blower door, to measure the cumulative effect of all air leaks in the home

  4. A ventilation check: healthy houses have appropriate ventilation, and an auditor will test ventilation systems to ensure that they conform to safety standards

  5. All visible gas lines, the gas stove and gas powered water heater will be examined to ensure that there are no leaks

  6. The auditor will evaluate if your central heating system needs a cleaning or tune-up

  7. Finally, expect a few suspect appliances, including old dryers or refrigerators to be tested with an electricity monitor. There are times when one terrifically inefficient appliance throws an entire house's energy use out of whack.


We believe that the whole-house energy audits performed by professionals are worth every penny, so long as you act on what the auditor turns up.


Contact us with any questions, or to find out more about the home energy audit process.


Just remember that what you don't know can cost you: it's better to know!


Schedule Home Energy Audit

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Home Energy Audit
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Special Pricing for Penelec and PPL Customers:


​Penelec: $350 - Audit for Penelec customers that applies for $250 audit rebate


PPL: $400 - $500 - Regular audit price for PPL customer with $125 rebate for central air OR electric heat customers, or $250 rebate with both


WEATHERIZATION: Free to low-income Penelec or PPL customers. Please call our office to apply.




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